High Coast Distillery
A high-quality whisky is produced in Bjärtrå in northern Sweden, which is as agreeable to the palate as it is to the future of our planet.
The mission
The High Coast Distillery set out to make its whisky production more sustainable, both financially and environmentally. Prior to our partnership, fossil heating oil was used. The decision to move away from fossil fuels has had a positive impact both in terms of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and cutting production costs.
High Coast Distillery
BKtech BioOne Steam 870 kW för produktion av ånga
Interesting facts:
Reducering av CO₂-utsläpp beräknas till 560 ton per år. Det motsvarar årsutsläppen från ca. 200 personbilar
The process

After an ad-hoc analysis and assessment of the requirements, we supplied a bioenergy plant for steam generation. The 870 kW steam boiler is fuelled by wood pellets – a sustainable, fossil-free biofuel that guarantees lower energy-related costs and reduces CO₂ emissions. The steam boiler was installed in a newly constructed building next to the beautiful Ångerman River, and connected to the existing production system.

The results
Following the installation of the plant, High Coast Distillery can now proudly produce top-quality products in a sustainable, climate-friendly and fossil-free manner. The distillery has reduced its carbon footprint by as much as 560 tonnes per year and experienced significant financial benefits from switching from oil to wood pellets. Whisky is now produced in harmony with nature, in a way that is as agreeable to the palate as it is to the future of our planet.
Generic fuel savings, not related to a specific reference case.

Any questions about the project?
Get in touch with:
Andreas Åström
Project Manager
Find out how much you can cut costs
By switching from fossil fuels to fossil-free bioenergy, you can benefit both the climate and your finances. Make a specific calculation for your company and find out how much you can save in terms of both CO₂ and budget.
Make your calculationMore cases from the food industry
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